Zulip uses a variant of
GitHub Flavored Markdown
to allow you to easily format your messages.
**bold**, *italic*, and ~~strikethrough~~ text
***~~All three at once~~***

Bulleted lists
* bulleted lists
* with sub-bullets too
* sub-bullets start with 2 spaces
* start sub-sub-bullets with 4 spaces
* multi
- dashes and
+ pluses are ok too

Numbered lists
1. numbered lists
1. increment automatically
1. one more

Zulip auto-linkifies URLs and valid stream (and topic) names.
You can also add a custom linkifier to link
patterns like #1234
to your ticketing system.
Auto-detected URL: zulip.com
Named link: [Zulip homepage](zulip.com)
Stream: #**stream name**
Topic: #**stream name>topic name**
Custom linkifier: #1234 (links to ticket 1234 in your ticketing system)

See Share and upload files to learn more
about dropping, pasting, and attaching images.
[A whale of a good time](https://your.zulip.domain/user_uploads/1/46/IPvysqXEtiTG1ZdNBrwAZODi/whale-time.png)

Inline: `let x = 5`
Code block:
def f(x):
return x+1
Syntax highlighting:
def fib(n):
# TODO: base case
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

You can also use ~~~
to start code blocks, or just indent the code 4 or more spaces.
See the main code blocks article for details on
syntax highlighting, code
playgrounds, and other features.
Inline: $$O(n^2)$$
``` math
\int_a^b f(t)\, dt = F(b) - F(a)

Zulip's LaTeX rendering is powered by KaTeX.
Their support table is a
helpful resource for checking what's supported or how to express
> a multi-line
quote on two lines
normal text
A multi-paragraph
quote in two paragraphs

You can use spoilers to hide content that you do not want to be visible until
the user interacts with it.
Normal content in message
```spoiler Spoiler header
Spoiler content. These lines won't be visible until the user expands the spoiler.
The spoiler will initially display in a collapsed form:

Clicking the arrow will expand the spoiler content:

Emoji and emoticons
To translate emoticons into emoji, you'll need to
enable emoticon translations.
You can also add custom emoji.
:octopus: :heart: :zulip: :)

Learn more about mentions here.
Users: @**Polonius** or @**aaron|26** or @**|26** (two asterisks)
User group: @*support team* (one asterisk)
Silent mention: @_**Polonius** or @_**|26** (@_ instead of @)
The variants with numbers use user IDs, and are intended for
disambiguation (if multiple users have the same name) and bots (for
the variant that only contains the user ID).

Status messages

Global times
When collaborating with people in another time zone, you often need to
express a specific time clearly. Rather than typing out your time zone
and having everyone translate the time in their heads, in Zulip, you
can mention a time, and it'll be displayed to each user in their own
time zone (just like the timestamps on Zulip messages).
A date picker will appear once you type <time
Our next meeting is scheduled for <time:2020-05-28T13:30:00+05:30>
A person in San Francisco will see:
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thu, May 28 2020, 1:00 AM.
While someone in India will see:
Our next meeting is scheduled for Thu, May 28 2020, 1:30 PM.
You can also use other formats such as UNIX timestamps or human readable
dates, for example, <time:May 28 2020, 1:30 PM IST>
The initial pipes (|
) are optional if every entry in the first column is non-empty.
The header separators (---
) must be at least three dashes long.
|| yes | no | maybe
| A | left-aligned | centered | right-aligned
| B | extra spaces | are | ok
| C | **bold** *italic* ~~strikethrough~~ :smile: ||

To-do lists
Sending a message with the text /todo
creates a simple collaborative
to-do list. Any user who can access the message can add tasks by
entering the task's title and description and clicking "Add task". Once
created, task titles and descriptions cannot be edited.
Tasks can be marked (and unmarked) as completed by clicking the
checkboxes on the left.

Paragraphs and lines
One blank space for a new paragraph
New line, same paragraph
New paragraph
---, ***, or ___ for a horizontal line
Over the line
Under the line

In-app help
A summary of the formatting syntax is available in-app.
- Instructions for all platforms
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